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Friday, October 13, 2006


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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Fasting and Your Biological Rhythms

Allah (all glory be to Him) tells us in the Holy Quran about Ramadan that, “(He wants you) to complete the prescribed period (of fasting), and to glorify Him in that He has guided you; and perchance ye shall be grateful.” (2:185)

Many benefits, in addition to the spiritual, result from completing this prescribed period of fasting. This article attempts to explain those related to our biological rhythms.

nternational travel across time zones produces symptoms of jet lag such as sleep disturbances, gastro-intestinal disorders, decreased alterness, fatigue and lack of concentration and motivation.

Factors contributing to symptoms of jet lag are (1) external desynchronisaion due to immediate differences between body time and local time at the end of the flight. (2) internal desynchronisation due to the fact that different circadian rhythms in the body re-synchronise at different rates, and during the re-synchronisation period, these rhythms will be out of phase with one another.

General symptoms arising from desynchronisation include tiredness during the day and disturbed sleep and reaction time. The severity of these adverse effects and therefore the time required for re-synchronisation depends on the ability to pre-set the bodily rhythms prior to flying, the number of time zones crossed, the direction of flight, age, social interaction and activity. NASA estimates that it takes one day for every time zone crossed to regain normal rhythm and energy levels. A 6-hour time-difference thus needs 6 days to get back to normal.

Rapid adaptation to a new zone can be facilitated by maximising exposure to zeitgebers for the new cycle e.g. changing to meal times and sleep times appropriate to the new time zone. Maximising social contact and exposure to natural lgihting will result in faster resynchronisation than staying at home in a hotel and eating and sleeping without regard to local time. There are widesperead individual viariations in the rapidity of resynchronisation.

Muslims who fast regularly and who have experienced disturbed wakefulness/sleep cycles on a daily lunar annual basis, can adapt themselves much faster to different time zones during international travel and do not suffer from the ill effects of jet lag. Moreover, the social contact during the Tarawih congregational prayer and the other social-cum–spiritual activities act as zeitgebers which regulate any desynchronised biological rhythm.

Shift workers also experience similar symptoms as jet lag, especially gastro-intestinal, cardiovascular, and sleep disorders and also reproductive dysfunctions in women. The inverted schedule of sleeping and waking also results in diminshed alterness and performance during night-time work with attendant increase in the number of fatigue-related accidents during night time shift hours. Normally, a period of three weeks is required for re-synchronisation among shift workers, and as the fasting Muslim atunes himself to resynchronization processes during the space of just over four weeks in Ramadan, his health problems as a shift worker would be negligible, as his synchronization processes would be more rapid, whether during Ramadan or at any other time.

It is also a common observation that as soon as Ramadan is over, normal circadian rhythms are established in the fasted Muslims with such great rapidity as to be at par with pre-Ramadan levels on the first day of Shawwal, i.e. Eid-ul-Fitr.

Fasting and Encephalins

During fasting, certain endogenous, narcotic-like substances known as opioids (or endorphins) are released into the body. They have a tranquilizing effect as well as an elating effect on the mind. These are also probably responsible for prevention of psychosomatic diseases. The opioids have several effects, including slowing down metabolism to conserve energy. Another effect of opioids may be that, although they produce elation as well as intense hunger, they do not drive the person to eat with sheer gluttony.

Muslims in Ramadan experience an ability to intensely focus their minds on meditation, Quranic recitation and prayers. This spiritual gain during the Holy Month is despite the fact that normal sleep/waking cycles are somewhat disturbed and despite a long day of fasting. Perhaps now we have a closer idea as to the science of this miraculous process.

Dr. Ebrahim Kazim is a medical doctor and the founder and director of the Islamic Academy in Trinidad. The above article was excerpted with permission of the author from his book “Further Essays on Islamic Topics”.

Ramadhan in the world

From Asia to Africa and from the Americas to Europe, Muslims are observing the fast of Ramadan! What a great feeling it is to know you're fasting along with millions of other people who are doing it for the same reason. It's a wonderful level of brotherhood and unity.

How do people around the world prepare themselves to fast? How do they spend the long hours of the day? What kinds of problems do they face and how do they overcome these problems? Is your culture so very different to others'? Well here is your chance to find out!

We want to make the most of each other's experiences in Ramadan so we're dedicating next week's radio show to 'Ramadan Around the World'. What do people do in Ramadan in Afghanistan, Indonesia, South Africa, the UK, the US, Australia, Egypt and other places around the world?

Join us this coming Saturday, Oct. 15, 2006 at 9:30 am GMT. We want to hear from you! Come along and share your ideas, opinions, and experiences with us. Drop us a line at: or phone in and talk on air live: in Egypt 3380337 ext. 670 and if you're outside Egypt 00202 3380337 ext. 670. You can send us an SMS from inside Egypt 0103146098 or outside Egypt +20103146098

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